The Syd

The Syd
The Seven Year Old Without Limits

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I'm Back

So, as you can see it's been a while since I've updated this blog.  I could give all kinds of excuses, but what does that chat sound like with my daughter - "I was too busy to do the fun stuff," "I always have to work, so I didn't take the time to do the relaxing stuff," - uh no, so I'll just say I'M BACK!

This is the I'm back post.  Back to doing the fun stuff, back to relaxing and letting it all just happen when it's supposed to happen, or not and back to just getting a chance to share what The Syd and I are talking about now a-days.  She's six now!  Yes six and with six comes new conversations and I'm back is perfect for such a time as this. 

The Syd just came back from Spring Break which she spent with her Momo and PaPa (my step mom and dad).  She couldn't wait to go to Momo and Papa's for a number of reasons - chickens, horses, dogs, cats, chickens, rabbits - to name a few.  She talked all about her trip and how she couldn't wait to be there and leave me here.  We talked about whether she would miss me or not and she said NO!  Now some mothers could run from the room crying and I must admit that there was a twinge of hurt that I felt initially, but I know The Syd and I know that in time she'll BE BACK and with BE BACK comes I miss you mom.

Four days (not even the full seven) and it happened - I miss my mommy!  (happy dance, she really does love me)  Day seven does finally get here and she proclaims when she gets in the house - "I'M BACK and I'm so glad to be in my house."  Of course there's further conversation that goes something like this . . .

The Syd:  Mommy, I had fun at Momo and Papa, but I'm glad to be back.
Mom:  So, did you miss me?
The Syd:  Yes, and I'm glad to be back.
Mom:  Why are you so glad to be back?
The Syd:  I'm glad to have my bed.
Mom:  What about you wanting to be at Momo and Papa's forever?
The Syd:  Mommy, can you go with me next time so that you can be there with me and we can both be glad to be back.
Mom:  Sure.
The Syd:  Okay, can we eat?

Needless to say, she had a good time and did miss me, but was glad to BE BACK.  This is of significance because as I work to raise this well balanced, appreciative, and loving little girl it's important that she understand the importance of getting back and appreciating that place that provides the comfort of not being back.

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